Football on Tuesday 11, April at 19:00

→ Organized by AlexTha

Open football match
19:00 → 20:00


Christophe (added by AlexTha)
Bastien (added by AlexTha)
Seb (added by AlexTha)
Charly (added by AlexTha)
Nico (added by AlexTha)
Manu (added by AlexTha)
Pierre (added by AlexTha)
Antoine (added by AlexTha)
Antoine Removed
Gaelinho Has been invited

AlexTha has blocked a spot for Christophe

AlexTha has blocked a spot for Bastien

AlexTha has blocked a spot for Seb

AlexTha has blocked a spot for Charly

AlexTha has blocked a spot for Nico

AlexTha has blocked a spot for Manu

AlexTha has blocked a spot for Pierre

AlexTha has blocked a spot for Antoine

AlexTha has removed the player Antoine

Gaëtan joined the match

The match is full


08/4 10:58

Bonjour si il y a désistement je suis chaud !


08/4 11:26

Salut, okay pas de souci je te tiendrai au courant dans ce cas 👌


11/4 16:45

Salut Gaëtan, toujours ok pour ce soir ?
On aura 2 terrains, le 4 et le 5 👌


11/4 16:48

Oui je suis prêt 💪🏽👍😁


11/4 16:49

Le nom de la réservation stp


11/4 16:49

Okay parfait ^^

Tharaux 😉


11/4 17:16


Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open


11/4 20:33

Merci de l'invitation
C'était cool
N'hésitez pas à m'ajouter ou m'inviter pour des futurs matchs 💪🏽👍😉

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This match is over

This match was played on the Tuesday 11 April at 19:00