OPEN FOOT - Match ouvert à tous on Thursday 2, March at 21:00

→ Organized by Team Footinho

Open football match
21:00 → 22:00


Team Footinho Won't be there
Arno Won't be there
Nico-tirex Won't be there
Micka C. Won't be there
allouard Has been invited
Mathieu Person Has been invited
Maksim Has been invited
Souillard François Has been invited
Maëlan Has been invited
Micka C.

01/3 11:31

Invitez vos amis ! ;)

Micka C.

02/3 15:43

Personne va inviter du monde ?


02/3 15:51

Pas assez de monde de mon côté pour jouer . J'annule ma présence.


02/3 18:14

si remis la semaine prochaine je serai certainement opé !

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This match is over

This match was played on the Thursday 2 March at 21:00