Football on Tuesday 14, February at 19:00

→ Organized by AlexTha

Open football match
19:00 → 20:00


Jc (added by AlexTha)
Christophe (added by AlexTha)
Adrien (added by AlexTha)
Pierre (added by AlexTha)
Florian (added by AlexTha)
Antoine (added by AlexTha)
Pote d’Antoine (added by AlexTha)

AlexTha has blocked a spot for Jc

AlexTha has blocked a spot for Christophe

AlexTha has blocked a spot for Adrien

AlexTha has blocked a spot for Pierre

AlexTha has blocked a spot for Florian

AlexTha has blocked a spot for Antoine

AlexTha has blocked a spot for Pote d’Antoine

Khalil Lagraa joined the match

AlexTha cancelled the match


14/2 17:42

Salut, désolé pour l’annulation tardive mais on a des absents qui viennent de se déclarer…

Désolé encore, ce n’est pas dans nos habitudes

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This match is canceled

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