Football on Sunday 29, January at 15:30

→ Organized by Crédo

Open football match
15:30 → 16:30


Ibra (added by Crédo)
Julian (added by Crédo)
Yassine (added by Crédo)
Walid (added by Crédo)
Allan (added by Crédo)
Beckham 23 Won't be there
OM Won't be there
Rémi Won't be there
Ju3522 Won't be there
Arno Won't be there
RG Brasil Won't be there
Pascal Has been invited
Greg35 Has been invited
florian saliba Has been invited
Erwan56 Has been invited
Billy Has been invited
Driss Has been invited
Gvel Has been invited
J_bobin Has been invited
ThomBaud Has been invited
Baptiste Has been invited

Litsimbi guenole joined the match

Litsimbi guenole joined the match

RG Brasil joined the match

Crédo has blocked a spot for Ibra

La7 joined the match

Crédo has blocked a spot for Julian

Crédo has blocked a spot for Yassine

La7 left the match

La7 joined the match

Sim LVT joined the match


29/1 14:56

C'est validé pour 8 ?


29/1 14:57

Oui. C’est bon pour tous ?


29/1 14:58

Avec un peu de chance on trouvera 2 personnes là bas.

Litsimbi guenole

29/1 14:59

Moi je suis chaud pour 8


29/1 14:59

D'acc 👍

RG Brasil

29/1 15:07

Les gars je suis désolé mais hier soir j'ai joué puis aujourd'hui cheville gonflé, j'ai encore une entorse je pense !!

Crédo has blocked a spot for Walid


29/1 15:09

Ah dommage ! Bon courage. Là y a quelqu’un qui vient peut avec nous.
Sans @RG Brasil on est 8~9.


29/1 15:10

J’appelle un autre pote voir


29/1 15:12

Et pour ceux qui y seront avant moi, la réservation est au nom de Crédo.
Merci, à toute.

RG Brasil left the match


29/1 15:19

Yes ils m'ont dit 16h du coup

Kick-off : match is starting

Litsimbi guenole

29/1 15:35

J’ai un joueur de plus Allan


29/1 15:51

On est là


29/1 15:53

Désolé oui ils avaient que 16h. J’ai oublié de repréciser

Crédo has blocked a spot for Allan


29/1 16:18

Terrain 1

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Sunday 29 January at 15:30