Football on Tuesday 27, December at 19:00

→ Organized by AlexTha

Open football match
19:00 → 20:00


Christophe (added by AlexTha)
Adrien (added by AlexTha)
Clement (added by AlexTha)
Nico (added by AlexTha)
Manu Removed

AlexTha has blocked a spot for Christophe

AlexTha has blocked a spot for Manu

AlexTha has blocked a spot for Adrien

AlexTha has blocked a spot for Clement

AlexTha has blocked a spot for Nico

Hamza (Pedri-xavi) joined the match

LoicV joined the match

Hamza (Pedri-xavi) left the match

Nass joined the match

Kiks joined the match

Francklns joined the match

The match is full

AlexTha has removed the player Manu

Hamza (Pedri-xavi) joined the match

The match is full

Hamza (Pedri-xavi)

27/12 16:38

Salut les gars svp si vous pouvez valider votre présence


27/12 16:41

Salut, c’est bon pour moi et mes 4 potes 😉

Pour info on sera terrain 2


27/12 17:37

Pareil pour moi

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Tuesday 27 December at 19:00