Football on Thursday 14, July at 20:30

→ Organized by antoine

Open football match
20:30 → 22:00


Flo (added by antoine )
Mbape (added by antoine )
Clem (added by antoine )
Navas (added by antoine )
Zako Removed
Florent Won't be there
Tosh Won't be there
Mario_7 Won't be there
Jeremy Won't be there

antoine has blocked a spot for Flo

antoine has blocked a spot for Mbape

antoine has blocked a spot for Clem

antoine has blocked a spot for Navas

Jeremy joined the match

Tosh joined the match

PULGA joined the match

PULGA has blocked a spot for Zako

Florent left the match

Tosh left the match


13/7 21:09

Plus possible pour moi les gars dsl

PULGA has removed the player Zako

Mario_7 left the match


14/7 11:46

Positif Covid ce matin… je vais passer mon tour également.

Jeremy left the match

Lascony joined the match


14/7 16:02

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