OPEN FOOT - Match GRATUIT - ouvert à tous on Sunday 23, October at 18:00

→ Organized by Team Footinho

Open football match
18:00 → 19:30


Bobo (added by Yassine EA)
Imad (added by Yassine EA)
Chamou (added by Yassine EA)
Ben (added by Yassine EA)
Hachim (added by Yassine EA)
Team Footinho Won't be there
wilfried35 Won't be there
Antoinecnn Has been invited
Maëlan Has been invited
Yassine EA

21/10 18:34

J'ai un pote qui ne pourra pas y être dimanche ^^

Yassine EA

23/10 15:14

Il manque 2 joueurs si vous avez des gars qui chaud invitez les je vais voir de mon côté si j'en trouve

Yassine EA

23/10 15:57

Je crois qu'on est complet là ^^ un pote va ramener 2 gars !

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This match is over

This match was played on the Sunday 23 October at 18:00