Football on Tuesday 28, July at 13:45

→ Organized by Colins

Open football match
13:45 → 15:30

Driss joined the match

RG Brasil joined the match

Nassim joined the match

Jul joined the match

K-RIM joined the match

Labbe joined the match

Labbe left the match

Labbe joined the match

Kamel12 joined the match

K-RIM has blocked a spot for Ahmed

Gaelinho joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Kamel12 left the match

Mourade joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Chrisdrisk76 joined the waiting list

Chrisdrisk76 automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Jul left the match


26/7 23:20

Désolé les gars je me suis niké les doights de pieds je prends pas de risques pas de soccer cette semaine 😉

Nicolas joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


27/7 01:10

Dris tes un zemen


27/7 01:15

C'était Tobias qui écrivait ça Dris 🥴


27/7 07:03

Mdrrrr 🖕🏼🖕🏼


27/7 21:03

Si jamais une place se libère je suis dispo ou si vous voulez jouer à 11 ^^


28/7 01:05

Ça marche mets toi sur liste d'attente si tu veux


28/7 01:06

Ça marche mets toi sur liste d'attente si tu veux . Les gars Tout le monde est là ? J'espère pas à 9 comme la dernière fois


28/7 12:39

Je suis là, j’aurai un léger retard, je pars de la Meziere à 45

Kick-off : match is starting


28/7 13:52

Moi aussi je suis un peu en retard les gars désolé


28/7 14:06

Rg Et tu viens ?


28/7 14:15

Car sinon je peut venir mais faut pas tarder

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

Mourade has been voted Man of the Match!

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This match is over

This match was played on the Tuesday 28 July at 13:45