Football on Tuesday 30, June at 21:00

→ Organized by Majid

Open football match
21:00 → 22:00


Jehan (added by Majid)
Hugo (added by Majid)
Bastien (added by Majid)
Yanis stade rennais (added by Kévin Massin)

Majid has blocked a spot for Jehan

Majid has blocked a spot for Hugo

Majid has blocked a spot for Bastien

Antonio888 joined the match


26/6 18:35

on est que 5 pour l'instant, si nous ne sommes pas 8 a 19h je vais devoir annuler...

Kévin Massin joined the match

Kévin Massin has blocked a spot for Yanis stade rennais

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