Football on Monday 17, February at 20:30

→ Organized by MarcoPolo

Open football match
20:30 → 22:30


Nico (added by MarcoPolo)
Thibault (added by MarcoPolo)
P.N (added by MarcoPolo)
Tristan (added by MarcoPolo)
Wilfried (added by MarcoPolo)

MarcoPolo has blocked a spot for Nico

MarcoPolo has blocked a spot for Thibault

MarcoPolo has blocked a spot for P.N

MarcoPolo has blocked a spot for Tristan

MarcoPolo has blocked a spot for Wilfried

Amadou joined the match

Maurizio joined the match


17/2 20:11

Merci pour votre souhait de participer à ce soccer. malheureusement ça va être trop juste pour réunir les 10 joueurs d’ici 20 minutes. Match annulé

This match is canceled

This match is canceled

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