Football on Tuesday 19, November at 13:45

→ Organized by Dimitri M

Open football match
13:45 → 15:30
Dimitri M Won't be there
thomas r Won't be there
K-RIM Won't be there
Tony vairelle Won't be there
El jazouli Won't be there
Raffegeau Won't be there
ChevrierYoann Has been invited
Biannic Has been invited
Rahoui Has been invited
Cédric Técher Has been invited
Vincent P Has been invited
Yoann Leveil Has been invited
Dimitri M

16/11 21:42

D'après midi

Tony vairelle

18/11 18:46

Les gars si on n'est pas 10 à 22h je ne pourrais pas venir.

kanté blanc

18/11 18:48

J'ai sûrement un pote qui serait chaud pour venir... Mais il n'a pas footinho

kanté blanc

18/11 18:48

Je lui envoie un message

kanté blanc

18/11 19:04

Mon pote ne peut pas

Tony vairelle

18/11 19:20

OK Marco

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This match is over

This match was played on the Tuesday 19 November at 13:45