Football on Wednesday 26, June at 20:00

→ Organized by Pauleta33

Open football match
20:00 → 21:00


Guillaume (added by Pauleta33)
Florian huchedé (added by Pauleta33)
Valentin crd (added by Pauleta33)
Dylan bantifo (added by Pauleta33)
Paul (added by Pauleta33)
Nico Sc Won't be there
Derbal Won't be there
Fabrice Removed
Fabrice Removed
Julien Lacrouzade Won't be there
Charlie31 Won't be there
Maxence carvalho Won't be there
Pasqua Won't be there
Bergkamp FC Won't be there
Vega Won't be there
Swann Won't be there
Loiczz Maybe
Nabil-H Has been invited
Taï Chi Has been invited
manuelaclau Has been invited
Maxime33 Has been invited
deus andre Has been invited
Alexpaya Has been invited
Theo jung Has been invited

30/5 04:46

Pour ce dernier match que j'organise de la saison ça serait bien qu'on reste ensemble pour trinquer une bière pour fêter ça

Swann joined the match

Pasqua joined the match

Martin g joined the match

Pauleta33 has blocked a spot for Fabrice

Pauleta33 has removed the player Fabrice

Lyes Albicelesto joined the match

Rich joined the match

Arkibi joined the match

Bergkamp FC joined the match

Pauleta33 has removed the player Fabrice

Pauleta33 has blocked a spot for Guillaume

Vega joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Pasqua left the match

Bergkamp FC left the match

Vega left the match

Pauleta33 has blocked a spot for Florian huchedé

Pauleta33 has blocked a spot for Valentin crd

Robot Assistant

25/6 20:00

The game is in only 24 hours and you are still missing some players. Come on everyone! Who can find some players for tomorrow?

Swann left the match

Pauleta33 has blocked a spot for Dylan bantifo

Pauleta33 has blocked a spot for Paul

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

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This match is full

This match is full

Too late! No more spot available..

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