Football on Saturday 11, January at 14:00

→ Organized by Francaparis

Open football match
14:00 → 17:00

Boullard joined the match


06/1 21:04

Karim c'est pas 14h le rdv ?


07/1 12:47

si je vais essayer de modifier


07/1 12:48

voilà j'ai corrigé

Hassan joined the match

Masbahi joined the match

Andisley joined the match

Boullard left the match

Masbahi left the match

Robot Assistant

10/1 14:00

The game is in only 24 hours and you are still missing some players. Come on everyone! Who can find some players for tomorrow?


10/1 19:44

Hassan tu as un numéro de téléphone ? Pour demain tu sais comment te rendre au stade pershing de Vincennes ? De notre côté on est déjà 14

And joined the match

And left the match

And joined the match


10/1 20:37

Bonsoir, je croyais que c’était annulé, je peux me joindre à vous aussi ou c’est trop tard ?

Masbahi joined the match

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