Football on Tuesday 22, August at 12:00

→ Organized by William2306

Open football match
12:00 → 13:45
Hassan Won't be there
Oussama Won't be there
Karimbz Won't be there
Matthieu Won't be there
Fenssou Won't be there
Cristobal Won't be there
Achim Reichert Won't be there
Arnaud H Won't be there
KiriKhou Won't be there
Choukri koko Won't be there
ThomasAudren Won't be there
Thomas Graffeo Has been invited
Alex92 Has been invited
Carlos Has been invited
Fiden Has been invited
C.Safouen Has been invited
wiwiper Has been invited
Guy AGB Has been invited
Ms Has been invited
Redouane Has been invited
Raed Has been invited
Rachid Has been invited
Denden Has been invited
Jeffrey Annert Has been invited
Youssef Has been invited
Franç Has been invited
Jean Christophe Has been invited
Tom_bt Has been invited
alez Has been invited
Rio Has been invited
Jeremy Fleury Has been invited
Duhan Has been invited
hynzieh Has been invited
AHCENE Has been invited
Hamid Has been invited
Eduardo Magno Has been invited
bouba1505 Has been invited

ThomasAudren joined the match

Amine chafi joined the match

William2306 has blocked a spot for Del piero

Matthieu joined the match

Zeus joined the match

Cheikh-Idoumou joined the match

Gabin joined the match

Flogom joined the match

Choukri koko joined the match

Clementevd joined the match

Assimiou joined the match

Bel Kacem joined the match

Nikki joined the match

Karimbz left the match

Moussa joined the match

Vidou joined the match


19/8 20:28

C’est bien à 12h le match ?


19/8 20:30


Khris ( Black unik Fox ) joined the match

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

20/8 08:55

Zeus c'est bon tu nous a suffisament envoyé de la foudre et pluie durant tout cet été pourri , tu te venges parce que je t'avais dit que tu t'etais fait virer de l'olympe et que t'as perdu tes pouvoirs foudroyants ??????

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

20/8 08:57

Zeus le pire c'est qu'une fois t'as envoyé une foudre du tonnerre pres de chez moi , me dit pas que tu peux localiser les adresses de ceux qui t'embetes avec la foudre ??????

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

20/8 08:59

Zeus c'est bon je m'excuse meme si t'es super ...... au foot t'es le roi de l'olympe donc c'est bon arrete de nous envoyer la foudre en france stp. Merci.

Achim Reichert joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Keyvan Naraghi joined the waiting list

Mod joined the waiting list

Keyvan Naraghi automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Renato joined the waiting list

vixay joined the waiting list

ALEX 77 joined the waiting list

Fenssou left the waiting list

Hb24 joined the waiting list

Mod automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Achim Reichert

21/8 11:39

Docteur dit non :(

Invited players have been notified

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

21/8 22:02

Desolé les gens je serais pas là , j'ai une gastro chelou, j'ai mangé du couscous chez un ami marocain et je crois qu'il y'avait un bout de viande de rat dedans, il m'a servi du couscous au rat ce chacal

Renato automatically added to the match from the waiting list

vixay automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Choukri koko joined the waiting list

Choukri koko left the waiting list

ALEX 77 automatically added to the match from the waiting list


22/8 03:18

Désolé les gars c’est pas sûr que je puisse venir en fait donc Alex77 vient si tu peux !

Macchu Picchu joined the waiting list

Louceny joined the waiting list

fariddib85 joined the waiting list


22/8 11:53

Bonjour, sur quel terrain jouons nous ?

Kick-off : match is starting

Robot Assistant

22/8 12:00

Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!

Robot Assistant

22/8 13:45

The match is over! What did you feel? Write it here in the chat.

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Tuesday 22 August at 12:00