Football on Sunday 27, August at 13:30

→ Organized by Ah Lh

Open football match
13:30 → 16:00

Ah Lh left the match

Hassan joined the match

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

17/7 18:59

40 joueurs ??? C quoi l'histoire ????


18/7 17:43

C’est pour aller au front en Ukraine mdr

fariddib85 joined the match


21/7 13:09



23/7 23:32

Bonsoir, le match du 27 août, à été modifié ?


23/7 23:33

Pour 12h30

Mohammed£ left the waiting list

Simo joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Marouaneunited joined the waiting list

Ah Lh cancelled the match

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