Football on Saturday 27, May at 14:00

→ Organized by Francaparis

Open football match
14:00 → 17:00

fabinho75 joined the match

Gaeiv joined the match

Mehdi06000 joined the match

Artyom joined the match

The match is full

Walidos joined the match

The match is full

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

26/5 01:17

Les gens faites gaffe franck à paris est un pedophile gay et instable , la derniere fois il a sniffé le cul d'un mec en plein match quand y'avait un corner


26/5 10:42

T’inquiète, on est au courant et on juge personne pour ses préférences :)


26/5 14:16

vous pouvez arrêter de dire des conneries me concernant

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Saturday 27 May at 14:00