Football on Tuesday 11, April at 12:00

→ Organized by William2306

Open football match
12:00 → 13:45

Waiting List

Louceny Removed
Cedricb Won't be there
Mathieu Aimelem Won't be there
ThomasAudren Won't be there
Jeffrey Annert Won't be there
Clementevd Won't be there
Younous Removed
Jonathan Rolland Has been invited
Franç Has been invited
KiriKhou Has been invited
vixay Has been invited
Zeus Has been invited
msesse Has been invited
Jrm92 Has been invited
Youssef Has been invited
Paul H. Has been invited
Rachid Has been invited
Dd92 Has been invited
Clément R Has been invited
Amine chafi Has been invited
Le Roi 👑 Has been invited
Guy AGB Has been invited
Denis Rasta Has been invited
Redouane Has been invited
Adnane rami Has been invited
Jeremy Fleury Has been invited
hynzieh Has been invited
AHCENE Has been invited
Del piero Has been invited
Louceny Has been invited

William2306 has blocked a spot for Louceny

Achim Reichert joined the match

Tom_bt joined the match

Assimiou joined the match


08/4 14:22

Assimiouuu‼️‼️le milanais

Hb24 joined the match

C.Safouen joined the match

Oussama joined the match

NabilBen joined the match

Ms joined the match

DL joined the match

Fiden joined the match

Carlos joined the match

William2306 has blocked a spot for Del piero

ThomasAudren joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Jeffrey Annert joined the waiting list

Jeffrey Annert automatically added to the match from the waiting list

ThomasAudren left the match

Invited players have been notified

Jeffrey Annert left the match


10/4 21:15

Cheville toujours en vrac... bon match !

Loic joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


11/4 09:34

Bon rétablissement Clément 👍🏾

William2306 has blocked a spot for Marco

William2306 has blocked a spot for Younous

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

William2306 has removed the player Younous

William2306 has blocked a spot for Alex

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Cristobal joined the waiting list

Raed joined the waiting list

Kick-off : match is starting


11/4 12:05

Salut les gars, quel terrain svp ?

Cristobal automatically added to the match from the waiting list

William2306 has removed the player Louceny

The match is over

Achim Reichert

11/4 16:14

Avec plaisir, je pense pareil. Et bon rétablissement @Clément

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This match is over

This match was played on the Tuesday 11 April at 12:00