Football on Friday 17, February at 11:45

→ Organized by C.Safouen

Open football match
11:45 → 13:45
Cristo Removed
Rachid Removed
Mathieu Aimelem Won't be there
Achim Reichert Won't be there
Ms Won't be there
Sylvain 92 Won't be there
hynzieh Won't be there
Gaeiv Won't be there
Clementevd Won't be there
Rachid Won't be there
Amine chafi Has been invited
Carlos Has been invited
benzekro/escobar Has been invited
William2306 Has been invited
Baccari Has been invited
Marouaneunited Has been invited
Yasser m Has been invited
Abdelouadoud Has been invited
Efix Has been invited
Mael1 Has been invited
Leo Has been invited
Pointu Gauche Has been invited
Guillerminho Has been invited
Le râleur 1er du nom Has been invited
Samuelinho Has been invited
Khaled Has been invited
Niza Has been invited
Zeus Has been invited
Dd92 Has been invited
Guizmo Has been invited
Othman92 Has been invited
Softbank Robotics Has been invited
Lhass Has been invited
Jorge A. Has been invited
AlexOM Has been invited
Loic Has been invited
Jonatinho Has been invited
Clément R Has been invited
Haroun O Has been invited
Edwin Has been invited
TAI SIR Has been invited
Flours Has been invited
Abdel75 Has been invited

hynzieh joined the match

Tom_bt joined the match


16/2 09:25

Merci safouen t'es un roi

Tom_bt has blocked a spot for Henri

Tom_bt has blocked a spot for Cristo

Gaeiv joined the match


16/2 09:26

c'est 12h00 maintenant le début

Redouane joined the match

C.Safouen has blocked a spot for Louceny

C.Safouen has blocked a spot for Rachid

Rachid joined the match

C.Safouen has removed the player Rachid

DL joined the match


16/2 15:38

met le match en public?

Tom_bt has blocked a spot for Aurélien

Adnane rami joined the match

Cristobal joined the match

Tom_bt has removed the player Cristo

Le Roi đź‘‘ joined the match


16/2 16:53

on a des ballons et des chasubles si William vient pas?


16/2 17:43

bonsoir.j'attends réponse d'un ami et voir si on s'inscrit.c'est du synthétique? vous acceptez les 60ans niveau moyen?

KiriKhou joined the match

vixay joined the match


16/2 20:08

Si qlq 1 a un ballon, on est preneur.
Si vous pouvez ramener un t-shirt blanc et un autre en noir au cas ou il n'y a pas de chasubles

Moon joined the match


16/2 22:04

J'ai un ballon


16/2 22:18

Prévoyez une pompe pr le ballon au cas où je retrouve pas la mienne

hynzieh left the match

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

16/2 23:50

Je suis malade ( un peu de tension ) mais j'essaierais de passer pour vous voir comme ça date , je promet rien. A bientot.

Gaeiv left the match


17/2 04:37

allez venez demain tous

MarcuD’o joined the match


17/2 09:27

Vu que c'est les vacances, il faut arriver tĂ´t pour avoir un terrain.....


17/2 09:29

Les vacances c est Ă  partir de ce soir

Youssef joined the match


17/2 11:29

Salut les gars je serais lĂ  pour 12h

Rachid left the match


17/2 11:43

Désolé les gars je suis à l'opposé bon match

Kick-off : match is starting


17/2 11:45

j'ai une pompe

Le Roi đź‘‘

17/2 11:49

Un p en retard

Adnane rami

17/2 11:49

Je ramène mon frérot comme ca on est 18/18 ?

Adnane rami

17/2 11:50

Et j’ai un petit retard je serais là à 12h5

Adnane rami

17/2 11:50


Taha joined the match


17/2 11:55

Les terrains sont vides, on a le choix.


17/2 12:06

On a un peu de retard avec Tom dsl

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open


17/2 14:19

Et les gars on m’ai prit un polaire quechua et sweat à capuche

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This match is over

This match was played on the Friday 17 February at 11:45