Football on Saturday 21, January at 12:00

→ Organized by Capucine

Open football match
12:00 → 13:20

Waiting List

Paul H. Won't be there
Salif Won't be there
Mika Won't be there
Yassine Won't be there
gauvfjk Has been invited
Nizkh Has been invited
YacineR Has been invited
Habiballah Has been invited
Marouaneunited Has been invited
Pierre G Has been invited
Bibi Has been invited
Ivan Has been invited
Couvidou Has been invited
Eduardo Magno Has been invited

Salif joined the match

Alfred Rabany joined the match

Youssef joined the match

Carlos Oliveira joined the match

vixay joined the match

Khris ( Black unik Fox ) joined the match

Hakim1996 joined the match

Hakim1996 left the match

Hakim1996 joined the match

Fiden joined the match

Capucine has blocked a spot for Eliott

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Fiden joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

18/1 23:11

Fiden n'oubli surtout pas ton sifflet pr faire l'arbitre !

Yassine joined the waiting list

Wadii joined the waiting list

Mika joined the waiting list

Yassine automatically added to the match from the waiting list


20/1 16:03

Dsl j'ai eu un décès je serai pas de la partie malheureusement une prochaine fois les amis


20/1 16:04

Désolée Salif 😳 toutes mes condoléances…

Mika left the waiting list


20/1 20:36

Toutes mes condoléances Salif.

Wadii automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Omar Mejri joined the waiting list


21/1 11:33

Bonjour j'aurais 10 min de retard sorry

Kick-off : match is starting


21/1 12:00

Pareil, un peu de retard, 10mn max. Eliott aussi aura 10mn de retard


21/1 12:05

Je suis arrivé.
Khris dans 15 jours !


21/1 12:06

Il ne vient pas


21/1 12:50

Youssef, Hakim, Khris, vous êtes où ? On vous attend sur le terrain là. Prévenez au moins si vous ne venez pas… ça nous met dedans là, pas cool

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Saturday 21 January at 12:00