Football on Tuesday 13, September at 11:45

→ Organized by William2306

Open football match
11:45 → 13:45
Mathieu Aimelem Won't be there
Aldenis Won't be there
Denis Rasta Won't be there
vixay Won't be there
Tom_bt Won't be there
Cristobal Won't be there
alezrou Won't be there
KiriKhou Won't be there
Othman92 Won't be there
Zeus Won't be there
hynzieh Won't be there
Massi Won't be there
Eduardo Magno Won't be there
Capucine Won't be there
Clementevd Won't be there
Fiden Won't be there
Dan855 Won't be there
Uzgul56 Has been invited
Eduardo Magno Has been invited
Redouane lenglen Has been invited
Hugo2302 Has been invited
Redouane Has been invited
AdR78 Has been invited
Leo_ksr Has been invited
Nao Kayzeur Has been invited
Nalban Iurie Has been invited
Louceny Has been invited
Macchu Picchu Has been invited
Flours Has been invited
gasco Has been invited
Christ Has been invited Has been invited
Fares Fernandez Has been invited
Loic Has been invited
Daniel Thorpe Has been invited
Mendoza1978 Has been invited
Sly Has been invited
Kiing.94 Has been invited
Hb24 Has been invited
Ait momo Has been invited
elio Has been invited
Guillaume G Has been invited
Hamid Has been invited
Ahmed92260 Has been invited
CoupeTube Med-Ali Has been invited
Zak8 Has been invited
benzekro/escobar Has been invited
Baccari Has been invited
Rivaldo75 Has been invited
Soham Has been invited
Jeremy Fleury Has been invited
Mrf md Has been invited
Jrm92 Has been invited
Denden Has been invited
Redouu Has been invited
Stowe G Has been invited
El’92 Has been invited
Fred2706 Has been invited
Guy AGB Has been invited
TAI SIR Has been invited
Mehdi El Famoso Has been invited
Essakili Has been invited
Oussama Has been invited Has been invited
Joss Has been invited
Keyvan Naraghi Has been invited
Youssef Has been invited
yass9.41 Has been invited
Clément R Has been invited
Jocelyn M Has been invited
Abde90 Has been invited
David1704 Has been invited

William2306 has blocked a spot for Pat

AHCENE joined the match

Ms joined the match

Eduardo Magno joined the match

Bibi joined the match

DL joined the match

alezrou joined the match

alezrou joined the match

C.Safouen joined the match

Paul H. joined the match

Khris ( Black unik Fox ) joined the match

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

10/9 16:03

Tooooooooom t'es OU ?

Rachid joined the match

Dan855 joined the match

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

10/9 23:50

Rachid sera pas là mdr. Inscription fantome comme d'hab

ThomasAudren joined the match

alezrou left the match

ZIED joined the match


11/9 17:50

ça vous dérange si je rajoute 2 potes au groupe pour vendredi ?

Invited players have been notified

Assimiou joined the match

Eduardo Magno left the match


12/9 14:27

Hello, est-ce que le match commence pile à 11H45 et finit pile à 13h45 ? Car je peux de 12h à 13h30 :)


12/9 14:28

et autre foot ce soir si ça vous dit :


12/9 14:46

non ça joue de 12 à 13h30 généralement

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

12/9 14:47

on peut meme pas cliquer sur les liens avec la nouvelle mis a jour c nptk


12/9 15:12

Merci Tom :) Nickel

Et Khris : tu peux rechercher sur Footinho, c'est un foot avec ces infos :
- Foot le lundi 12 septembre à 19h00
- Square Clos Feuquières

Capucine joined the match

Capucine left the match


12/9 22:18

(désolée les gars je me désinscris car j'ai réalisé que je n'avais que mes shoes de futsal et pas de crampons ni de protège :o je récupère ça bientôt et me joins à vous une prochaine fois)


12/9 22:23

Salut la ligue 3 moldave. Je vais m'inscrire si kris paye sa tourné. J'aurais soif.

AHCENE has blocked a spot for Louceny

Marouaneunited joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Carlos joined the waiting list

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

13/9 02:35

vixay pr la tournée patiente un peu je le ferais mais pas today mdr. si tu veux jte rapporte 2 bouteille d'eau si t'as soif mdr


13/9 03:20

vendredi la tournée


13/9 09:18

C'est vraiment une réponse de picsous ! ;-) . Bon match les gars.

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

13/9 10:15

sisi tom tu vas nous mettre bien

Carlos automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Dan855 left the match

Kick-off : match is starting

William2306 has blocked a spot for Jacky

William2306 has blocked a spot for Delpiero

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open


13/9 16:46

y'a pas match vendredi William?


13/9 18:48

Vous êtes durs avec vos notes les gars 😂

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

13/9 20:16

thomas t'es pret , ici tu peux marquer 7 buts et finir dernier mdrrrrr demande à tom il sait de quoi je parle

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

13/9 20:16

thomas t'es pas pret pardon


13/9 20:17


Khris ( Black unik Fox )

13/9 20:33

t'es pas pret pardon

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This match is over

This match was played on the Tuesday 13 September at 11:45