Football on Friday 29, July at 11:45

→ Organized by William2306

Open football match
11:45 → 13:45
Louceny Won't be there
Flours Won't be there
Othman92 Won't be there
Mathieu Aimelem Won't be there
Hb24 Won't be there
Massi Won't be there
Keyvan Naraghi Won't be there
Hb24 Has been invited
Loic Has been invited
Joss Has been invited
AHCENE Has been invited
Fiden Has been invited
Nao Kayzeur Has been invited
Kiing.94 Has been invited
Jocelyn M Has been invited
Mehdi El Famoso Has been invited
Daniel Thorpe Has been invited
David1704 Has been invited
Abde90 Has been invited
Oussama Has been invited
El’92 Has been invited
Ait momo Has been invited
Baccari Has been invited
Hamid Has been invited
Guillaume G Has been invited
elio Has been invited
Fares Fernandez Has been invited
benzekro/escobar Has been invited
Clément R Has been invited
Soham Has been invited
Sly Has been invited
AdR78 Has been invited
Youssef Has been invited
Redouane Has been invited
Ivan Has been invited
Stowe G Has been invited
TAI SIR Has been invited
Jeremy Fleury Has been invited
Rachid Has been invited
Denden Has been invited
Ahmed92260 Has been invited
alez Has been invited
Rivaldo75 Has been invited
Yanis788 Has been invited
AkoR Has been invited
Macchu Picchu Has been invited
Akira Has been invited
dkhili amine Has been invited
Naoufal93140 Has been invited
Anti_Mehdi Has been invited
Taha3203 Has been invited
Carlos Has been invited
Francaparis Has been invited

William2306 has blocked a spot for Pat

Paul H. joined the match

Leo_ksr joined the match

Mathieu Aimelem joined the match

ZIED joined the match

Denis Rasta joined the match

Mrf md joined the match

KiriKhou joined the match

Ms joined the match

Zeus joined the match

Baky22 joined the match

Jrm92 joined the match

Massi joined the match


26/7 23:15

Je reviens à la mi août

Keyvan Naraghi joined the match

Assimiou joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Mathieu Aimelem

28/7 11:41

On m'a collé une réunion de 12h00 à 13h00... è_é

Hb24 joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Hb24 automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

28/7 14:03

Mince plus de place ..... tant pis


28/7 14:05

Khris met toi sur liste d’attente y’a des chances que je vienne pas demain

Tom_bt joined the waiting list

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

28/7 17:31

Enfoiré de Tom il sort de nulle part mdrrrrrrrr il revient de l'enfer ( londres )

Khris ( Black unik Fox ) joined the waiting list

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

28/7 17:32

Trkl hb24 si tu veux jouer joue mon pote


28/7 17:47

Pardon mais en général on fait du 8vs8 mais il arrive aussi qu'on fasse du 9vs9. Viendez et vous verrez ^^


28/7 18:09

Je bosse demain Khris pas de match pour moi malheureusement

Tom_bt automatically added to the match from the waiting list


28/7 19:52

Premier foot depuis mon entorse y'a 4 mois ça va être sportif le cardio

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

28/7 20:13

Vasy jcrois venir pr me foutre de la gueule de Tom

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

28/7 20:13

Bon taff pr demain Hb


28/7 20:18

Yo les gars, je serai là vers 12:15 demain

vixay joined the waiting list

Khris ( Black unik Fox ) automatically added to the match from the waiting list

vixay automatically added to the match from the waiting list


29/7 10:23

Ah ! Les anciens sont de retour !

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open


29/7 15:18

J'ai mis 10 à tout le monde, vous avez tous bien joué merci ^^

Paul H.

29/7 15:20

Thx !


29/7 16:31



29/7 16:31

Tout le monde est au dessus de la moyenne.


29/7 17:22

Rah les rapaces, j’ai une note de 6,4. J’ai vraiment été si mauvais ? 😂😂


29/7 17:24

Je crois que j'ai tapé mon record aujourd'hui haha, comme quoi ça paie mieux de faire des passes décisives que de marquer


29/7 21:39

Pareil 10 à tout le monde


29/7 21:41

En fait j'ai rien dis je finis quand même avec une note éclaté, faudra qu'on m'explique un jour 😂

Khris ( Black unik Fox )

29/7 23:15


Khris ( Black unik Fox )

29/7 23:15

Sisi jsuis homme du match les pots de vin paient toujours

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This match is over

This match was played on the Friday 29 July at 11:45