Football on Friday 4, January at 20:00

→ Organized by Matteo Massaro Check

Open football match
20:00 → 21:00


Feri (added by Matteo Massaro Check)
Bobo (added by Matteo Massaro Check)
Bobo 2 (added by Matteo Massaro Check)
Carlo Manfredi Won't be there

02/1 14:58

6,50€, giusto?


02/1 15:00

Si, esatto

Matteo Massaro Check

02/1 19:40

Confermo, 6.50. Ho appena prenotato, al Couver alle 20. Il numero del campo me lo diranno venerdì quindi risparmiate la domanda

Matteo Massaro Check

02/1 19:40

Ah e da qui in avanti chi bidona è morto

Matteo Massaro Check

04/1 19:46

Campo 6

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This match is over

This match was played on the Friday 4 January at 20:00