Football on Tuesday 21, February at 18:30

→ Organized by Cabella Moriccio Michel-Ange

Open football match
18:30 → 19:30


Antoine (added by Yoaninho)
Matou (added by Cabella Moriccio Michel-Ange)
Quentin (added by Cabella Moriccio Michel-Ange)
Alex (added by Cabella Moriccio Michel-Ange)
Jamesinho Removed
Manuel Removed
Matou Removed
Matou Removed
Ugo Maltese Has been invited
Paul VANDREBECK Has been invited
Tony06 Has been invited
Chris818 Has been invited
Matt85 Has been invited
David ginola Has been invited
Slim Has been invited
Nico The One Has been invited
Georgie Has been invited
Geogeoinho Has been invited
Rylou Has been invited
Genet Arthur Has been invited
Jamesinhoo Has been invited

Jamesinho joined the match

Fabi06100 joined the match

Yoaninho joined the match

Yoaninho has blocked a spot for Antoine

Athir joined the match

Fedor joined the match

Pedrito1 joined the match

Jamesinho has been removed from the players

Cabella Moriccio Michel-Ange has blocked a spot for Manuel

Cabella Moriccio Michel-Ange has removed the player Manuel

Cabella Moriccio Michel-Ange has blocked a spot for Matou

Cabella Moriccio Michel-Ange has removed the player Matou

Cabella Moriccio Michel-Ange has removed the player Matou

Cabella Moriccio Michel-Ange has blocked a spot for Quentin

Cabella Moriccio Michel-Ange has blocked a spot for Alex

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


21/2 12:58

Salut tout le monde. Quelle est l'adresse du terrain de foot ? Je n'y ai jamais joué.

Cabella Moriccio Michel-Ange

21/2 12:59

19 Avenue de la Marne
06100 Nice

Cabella Moriccio Michel-Ange

21/2 12:59


Cabella Moriccio Michel-Ange

21/2 12:59

Ultra France cimiez


21/2 13:00

Merci !

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Tuesday 21 February at 18:30