Football on Monday 9, January at 20:00

→ Organized by LUCAS VDB

Open football match
20:00 → 21:00


Charles (added by LUCAS VDB)
Romain (added by LUCAS VDB)
Momo (added by LUCAS VDB)
Ugo (added by LUCAS VDB)
Adrien (added by LUCAS VDB)
Ariel (added by LUCAS VDB)
Collègue ugo (added by LUCAS VDB)
Adrien Removed
Adrien Removed

LUCAS VDB has blocked a spot for Charles

LUCAS VDB has blocked a spot for Romain

LUCAS VDB has blocked a spot for Momo

LUCAS VDB has blocked a spot for Ugo

LUCAS VDB has blocked a spot for Adrien

LUCAS VDB has blocked a spot for Adrien

LUCAS VDB has blocked a spot for Adrien

LUCAS VDB has removed the player Adrien

LUCAS VDB has removed the player Adrien

LUCAS VDB has blocked a spot for Ariel

LUCAS VDB has blocked a spot for Collègue ugo

abtiss joined the match


09/1 14:07

Combien reste t il de place

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