Football on Thursday 23, March at 20:00

→ Organized by Michel Darda

Open football match
20:00 → 22:00
Pedro Dinis Won't be there
PAT Won't be there
Thomas Won't be there
damien ANDOLFO Has been invited
Jack Attack Has been invited
Boussard sebastien Has been invited
Nico Has been invited
Tony Has been invited
Charles Has been invited
Quilez julien Has been invited
Virasolvit Has been invited
Remy Brunier Has been invited
Souhaiel Has been invited
Julien Has been invited
Valère Has been invited
BOURROUILHOUpierre Has been invited
Chaigneau ludovic Has been invited
Kiril Has been invited
BenjaminB Has been invited
Alexandre Grassioulet Has been invited
Rmazouz Has been invited
Hugo Has been invited
Delgrande Has been invited
vnt yann Has been invited
YassPewPew Has been invited

Yutwing Emeric joined the match

Romain Darda joined the match

Thomas joined the match

Thib Moneyron joined the match

Mayeul joined the match

Floro Thomas

22/3 06:59


Floro Thomas joined the match

Floro Thomas has blocked a spot for +1

Yannick Casanova joined the match

SYLVESTRE Guillaume joined the match

Eliot H. joined the match

Jeremy Cuvelier joined the match

viancito joined the match

Julien Goiran joined the match

Michel fana joined the match

Christophe 13180 joined the match

Fky joined the match

Nicolas D. joined the match

Michel Darda

23/3 17:14

Pour ceux qui n’ont pas encore payé leur cotisation, merci de faire le virement avec le motif « foot Loisir ASM » :
Avenir Sportif Meyrarguais
IBAN : FR76 1130 6000 8410 5011 2605 013
ou chèque à l'ordre de l'AS Meyrargues

Thomas left the match


23/3 18:35

Désolé imprévu de dernière minute


23/3 18:35

Bon match

Christophe 13180

23/3 18:35

Quelqu'un peux ajouter un +1 pour moi svp

Michel Darda

23/3 18:45

C’est fait

Michel Darda has blocked a spot for + 1 Chris

Christophe 13180

23/3 18:49


Yutwing Emeric

23/3 18:49

Arrrff dommage on s'éloigne des 22 joueurs 😜

Christophe 13180

23/3 18:52


Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Thursday 23 March at 20:00