OPEN FOOT - 50% DE RÉDUCTION - MATCH OUVERT À TOUS on Wednesday 28, December at 21:00

→ Organized by F5 Kech

Open football match
21:00 → 22:00


Bekkare khalil (added by Mohamed amine ettaqi)
Hyani zakaria (added by Mohamed amine ettaqi)
Doulikfl ait rai (added by Mohamed amine ettaqi)
Mohamed Ait Mokhtar (added by Khalil Bekkare)
mehdi (added by Jamal Eddine TALBI)
abderrahim (added by Jamal Eddine TALBI)
zakaria (added by Jamal Eddine TALBI)
faissal (added by Jamal Eddine TALBI)
F5 Kech Won't be there
Khalil Bekkare Won't be there
Mohamed amine ettaqi

26/12 15:45

Bonjour .est ce que vous pouvez enlever le point rouge sur mon profil si c'est possible . On a fait une erreur lautre fois nous sommes désolé pour l'incident.

F5 Kech

27/12 22:55

Il n'ya plus de point rouge

Mohamed amine ettaqi

27/12 23:08

Okk . Je confirme le match inchalah

F5 Kech

28/12 20:46


Mohamed amine ettaqi

28/12 23:16

J vous en prie

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This match is over

This match was played on the Wednesday 28 December at 21:00