Football on Wednesday 5, June at 19:45

→ Organized by Simious

Open football match
19:45 → 21:30

Rguig joined the match

Orhan54 joined the match

Ocakdan joined the match

Lucien54 joined the match

Traquenard54 joined the match

Anas joined the match

Rocka885 joined the match

ThibG joined the match

Labiche joined the match

Anas left the match

Jérémy W joined the match

Traquenard54 left the match

Robot Assistant

04/6 19:45

The game is in only 24 hours and you are still missing some players. Come on everyone! Who can find some players for tomorrow?


04/6 20:31

Les gars j’ai un souci au pied je suis désolé de devoir annuler ma présence demain, j’espère bien vous retrouver la semaine pro en espérant que tout s’arrange…

Rocka885 left the match


05/6 11:46

Foot annulé

Simious cancelled the match

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