Football on Saturday 21, September at 11:00

→ Organized by Julien W

Open football match
11:00 → 12:00
Johnny18 Won't be there
Arno Won't be there
Rémi Won't be there
Noé.q Won't be there
Francois H Won't be there
Bensalem BENMASSOUD Won't be there
Brian 352 Has been invited
Jujuju Has been invited
Thomazoné Has been invited
Dumont Ludovic Has been invited
Erwan56 Has been invited
Carlosinho Has been invited
Fan fly 53 Has been invited
LoïcCc Has been invited
Ericinho Has been invited
Teddylc Has been invited
Loïc Ctx Has been invited
Herve Has been invited
Gaelinho Has been invited
Lebelge Has been invited
Bibi Has been invited
Clément Rivoalen Has been invited
maximepoussain Has been invited
Simon Pit Has been invited
florian saliba Has been invited
Christophe Pit Has been invited
Nicolas 35 Has been invited
Djé Guillemer Has been invited
Elias BELMAHI Has been invited
Bag Lee Has been invited
Fontaine Erwan Has been invited
Colins Has been invited
Paulin Has been invited
Clément 35 Has been invited
Quentin Has been invited
Anthony LG Has been invited
kali Has been invited

Alexandre Ganachaud joined the match

Briantais jean jacques joined the match

Nass joined the match

Mamadou War joined the match

El-N RZK joined the match

Hervé joined the match

Francky Bro joined the match

Nass has blocked a spot for Dorian


18/9 17:25

Salut à tous ça vous irait de bloquer à 10 plutôt qu'à 12 ?


18/9 17:25

Ça fait bcp sur le terrain après ahah

André5 joined the match

Beaumanoir joined the match


18/9 18:27

C'est un terrain de six il me semble

Julien W

18/9 20:22

Il y a les 2 écoles, à 5/5 ou 6/6.
La théorie est 5/5

On a toujours fait 6/6 le Sam. matin.
Ça permet d'assurer le coup (en cas d'absence imprévue ou retard).
Et ça permet de tenir 1h15 ++

Terrain réservé. A Samedi 11h00

Florent joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Quentin35780 joined the waiting list

Blin joined the waiting list


19/9 16:08

Si une place se libère, je suis disponible ...

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This match is full

This match is full

Too late! No more spot available..

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