Football on Saturday 8, June at 11:00

→ Organized by Arnaud JACQUOT

Open football match
11:00 → 12:30

Waiting List

maximepoussain Won't be there
Arnaud JACQUOT Won't be there
Jerem Removed
Eddie Removed
André5 Won't be there
Beaumanoir Won't be there
Clément Rivoalen Won't be there
HParis Won't be there
kali Maybe
Simon Pit Has been invited
florian saliba Has been invited
Christophe Pit Has been invited
Djé Guillemer Has been invited
Elias BELMAHI Has been invited
Bag Lee Has been invited
Fontaine Erwan Has been invited
Mamadou War Has been invited
Paulin Has been invited
Clément 35 Has been invited
Quentin Has been invited
Dhia Has been invited
GALAI Has been invited
Clem Reuss Has been invited

Arnaud JACQUOT left the match

Francois H joined the match

Julien W joined the match

Anthony LG joined the match

Emeric joined the match

Emeric has blocked a spot for Jerem

Emeric has blocked a spot for Mzth

Emeric has blocked a spot for Eddie

HParis joined the match

Invited players have been notified

Clément Rivoalen left the match


06/6 14:12

Salut à tous, je ne vais encore pas etre la samedi et ca va etre de plus en plus compliqué pour moi d'organiser car mon fiston va au rugby maintenant le samedi matin et moi le vendredi soir. Si qqn se sent l'ame de prendre le relais... 😀


06/6 14:12

et n'oubliez pas de reserver le terrain du coup pr samedi

Emeric has removed the player Jerem

Quentin Monnier joined the match

Quentin Monnier

06/6 16:14

Dommage arnaud !! On perd notre meilleur joueur et notre capitaine la

Nicolas 35 joined the match

Julien W

06/6 20:04

Ok, Arnaud, je vais réserver.
Terrain toujours dispo,

mais besoin d'être minimum 10 !

Hervé joined the match

Colins joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Emeric has removed the player Eddie

Briantais jean jacques joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Nass joined the waiting list

Gvel joined the waiting list

Nass automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Briantais jean jacques

07/6 18:40

Le terrain est il réservé ?

Briantais jean jacques

07/6 19:19

Terrain réservé à 11hrs . Bonne soirée et à demain


07/6 19:23

Est ce possible que chacun confirme sa presence svp qu’on puisse anticiper si besoin ?

Julien W

07/6 19:39

Merci JJ
Ok pour moi
10h55 comme d'habitude... 😀
A demain

Briantais jean jacques

07/6 19:43

Ok pour moi


07/6 19:44

C’est good pour mon pote et moi


07/6 20:25

OK pour moi


07/6 21:01



07/6 21:11

J'ai un pote de dispo si besoin

Alyd joined the waiting list


07/6 23:48

Si quelqu’un se désiste appeler moi 0761679299

Nicolas 35

07/6 23:52

OK pour moi


08/6 01:14


Gvel automatically added to the match from the waiting list


08/6 10:27

Hello les gars, dans le train pour Rennes en retard donc place échangée ce matin avec Gvel que j’ai appelé pour valider et tout est ok. Bon match.


08/6 10:58

J’aurais un peu de retard aussi

Kick-off : match is starting

Robot Assistant

08/6 11:00

Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!

Robot Assistant

08/6 12:30

The match is over! How was it? Don't forget to Vote for the Man of the Match!

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

Robot Assistant

09/6 10:30

The match is over! What did you feel? Write it here in the chat.

Robot Assistant

09/6 10:30

Mzth Was Chosen as The Man of The Match! Applause for him everybody!

To ask a question or post a comment, you must : Sign up , It is free.

This match is over

This match was played on the Saturday 8 June at 11:00