Football on Friday 7, June at 19:30

→ Organized by Anthony Renault

Open football match
19:30 → 20:30
Olivieiri Won't be there
Pibi Won't be there
Guillaume974 Won't be there
Mamy Has been invited
Guillaume Moro Has been invited
Laurent R Has been invited
Loïc M. Has been invited
Savuth Has been invited
Auffret Has been invited
Aurel Has been invited
Arnaud DE 🐓 Has been invited
Philippe M. Has been invited
Xavier burlot Has been invited
Guigui cali Has been invited
Xababa Has been invited
Kev Peyec Has been invited
Alex Morin Has been invited
Paul har Has been invited
Xavier b Has been invited
Florent guellil Has been invited
Hebert Has been invited
Le Toux Has been invited

Raphael-7535 joined the match

Cam Alex joined the match

Nicolas Chtl joined the match

Bast Pir joined the match

Invited players have been notified

FabG joined the match

Guillaume974 joined the match

Mélan joined the match

Robot Assistant

06/6 19:30

The game is in only 24 hours and you are still missing some players. Come on everyone! Who can find some players for tomorrow?

Guillaume974 left the match

Anthony Renault cancelled the match

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This match is canceled

This match is canceled

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