→ Organized by Arnaud JACQUOT
Arnaud JACQUOT left the match
08/1 19:51
Je lance l'invit mais je ne serai pas dispo ce samedi. Je vous laisse gérer la résa terrain si ca se fait
Briantais jean jacques joined the match
Shafaq joined the match
Shafaq has blocked a spot for Simon Saudrais
Mouhout joined the match
Mouhout has blocked a spot for Aniuar
Invited players have been notified
Alexandre Ganachaud joined the match
Desclos ludovic joined the match
11/1 22:32
Salut les gars, pour memo je ne suis pas dispo pr le match de ce samedi dc je vous laisse gérer la resa si vous etes assez
Mouhout left the match
Mouhout has removed the player Aniuar
Beaumanoir joined the match
12/1 11:00
The game is in only 24 hours and you are still missing some players. Come on everyone! Who can find some players for tomorrow?
maximepoussain joined the match
Quentin Monnier joined the match
12/1 18:56
Manque 2 joueurs , avez vous des contacts motivés ?
12/1 19:58
Désolé les gars , on tentera de jouer le we prochain . Pour demain, c’est cuit
12/1 21:37
Sniff, c'est la loose😓. Bon weekend à tous.
12/1 23:03
Dommage,Bon week-end
Desclos ludovic left the match
13/1 10:14
Salut les mecs vous êtes pas chaud de décaler ça à 12h-13h je peux venir avec 2 collegues
On sera 10
13/1 10:29
Salut, Pas possible pour moi, désolé.
Kick-off : match is starting
13/1 11:00
Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!
13/1 12:00
The match is over! How was it? Don't forget to Vote for the Man of the Match!
The match is over
Votes for the match of the match are open
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This match was played on the Saturday 13 January at 11:00
08/1 19:51
11/1 22:32
12/1 11:00
12/1 18:56
12/1 19:58
12/1 21:37
12/1 23:03
13/1 10:14
13/1 10:14
13/1 10:29
13/1 11:00
13/1 12:00
To ask a question or post a comment, you must : Sign up , It is free.