Football on Saturday 15, July at 11:00

→ Organized by Arnaud JACQUOT

Open football match
11:00 → 12:00
maximepoussain Won't be there
Clément Rivoalen Won't be there
Zac Attal Won't be there
Matthieu Priou Won't be there
Clément 35 Won't be there
Beaumanoir Won't be there
ChadilyJR Won't be there
Mamadou War Won't be there
florian saliba Has been invited
Xavier Djorkaeff Has been invited
Nicolas 35 Has been invited
Djé Guillemer Has been invited
Bag Lee Has been invited
Pedro milano Has been invited
Fontaine Erwan Has been invited
Francois H Has been invited
Nass Has been invited
Paulin Has been invited
Quentin Has been invited
Banctel Has been invited
POUDI Has been invited

Mamadou War joined the match

André5 joined the match

Shafaq joined the match

DJi joined the match

Simon Pit, florian saliba, Briantais jean jacques, Xavier Djorkaeff, Christophe Pit , Nicolas 35, Djé Guillemer , Elias BELMAHI, Bag Lee, Pedro milano, Fontaine Erwan, Francois H, Colins, Nass, Paulin, Quentin invited players have received a reminder

Simon Pit joined the match

Elias BELMAHI joined the match


13/7 08:13

Allez les gars, encore 2 joueurs à trouver et on est bueno. A vos réseaux ! 😃

chino22 joined the match

Colins joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Christophe Pit joined the waiting list


13/7 18:46

Yes pas de retard les gars même en avance ça serait top


13/7 19:03

Salut les gars, vous connaîtriez qqn pour faire le 12eme et permettre a christophe de venir ?


13/7 19:08

Terrain réservé cap malo 11h au nom de Jacquot. En general on joue 1h30 sans supplement car personne derriere


13/7 19:09

Désolé je n’ai personne!


13/7 20:41

Salut 1h30 c’est très bien c bon pour moi et oui c’est le soccer cap malo la meziere et non je n’ai personne


14/7 00:14

Yes urban soccer cap malo


14/7 14:03

Salut Arnaud je peux venir si tu veux pour être 12


14/7 14:36

Parfait ! J'ouvre a 12 et je mets Nass manuellement pr te bloquer la place

Christophe Pit automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Arnaud JACQUOT has blocked a spot for Nass

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


14/7 15:53

Merci !

Mamadou War left the match

Mamadou War

15/7 07:24

Salut, j'ai une urgence de dernière minute à gérer, je ne serai malheureusement plus disponible. je m'en excuse sincèrement


15/7 07:43

Si qqn a un pote pour faire le 12eme ca serait cool ! Sinon on fera avec...

Arnaud JACQUOT has blocked a spot for Clem

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


15/7 09:20

J'ai convaincu clem c'est bon

Kick-off : match is starting

Robot Assistant

15/7 11:00

Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!

Robot Assistant

15/7 12:00

The match is over! What did you feel? Write it here in the chat.

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Saturday 15 July at 11:00