Football on Saturday 25, March at 11:00

→ Organized by Arnaud JACQUOT

Open football match
11:00 → 12:00
Clément Rivoalen Won't be there
Zac Attal Won't be there
Beaumanoir Won't be there
Matthieu Priou Won't be there
Francois H Won't be there
Clément 35 Won't be there
Xavier Djorkaeff Has been invited
Christophe Pit Has been invited
Nicolas 35 Has been invited
Bag Lee Has been invited
Pedro milano Has been invited
Fontaine Erwan Has been invited
Mamadou War Has been invited
Colins Has been invited
Nass Has been invited
Paulin Has been invited

Arnaud JACQUOT left the match

André5 joined the match

maximepoussain joined the match

Simon Pit joined the match

Djé Guillemer joined the match

Xavier Djorkaeff, Christophe Pit , Nicolas 35, Elias BELMAHI, Bag Lee, Pedro milano, Fontaine Erwan, Francois H, Mamadou War, Colins, Nass, Paulin invited players have received a reminder

Elias BELMAHI joined the match

Simon Pit

23/3 13:14

On ouvre ?

Djé Guillemer

23/3 13:15



24/3 08:48

bon je comprends pas ce qui se passe mais la motivation semble faire défaut... J'ai ouvert il y a 2 jours


24/3 08:49

je joue ce soir et viendrais si pas blessé mais a 5 pour le moment ca craint...

Simon Pit

24/3 09:42

Ah ouais…. En plus on avait fait exprès de mettre le ramadan à Elias pour qu’il soit moins fort …

Gvel joined the match

Arnaud JACQUOT cancelled the match

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