Football on Tuesday 11, April at 17:00

→ Organized by Funkystar

Open football match
17:00 → 18:00
amaurysanchez30 Won't be there
Pavartocarlos Won't be there
Karimlpf Has been invited
Yvandms Has been invited
Eliesinho Has been invited
Jones Has been invited
Guichh Has been invited
Zubar cafewCarvajal Has been invited
Guilhom Has been invited
Tac Has been invited

Chris97 joined the match

Steph30660 joined the match

Chris97 left the match

Chris97 joined the match

Chatzonek joined the match

Thomas932 joined the match

Kinou30 joined the match

Guillaume FRZ joined the match

Bernardo Sylvain joined the match

Karimlpf, Yvandms, Martcog, Eliesinho, Jones, Guichh, Zubar cafewCarvajal , Guilhom, Tac invited players have received a reminder

Martcog joined the match


10/4 09:25

Hello les gars il manque un joueur avez vous des pistes ?


10/4 19:11

On oublie pas ces affaires demain c est foot


10/4 21:56

Quelqu un pourrais prendre un ballon pour demain merci


11/4 09:34

Erwan mon collègue de la dernière fois sera là


11/4 10:00

Super cool dis lui bien c est a st christol en exterieur

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Tuesday 11 April at 17:00