Football on Wednesday 8, December at 20:00

→ Organized by Karimstm

Open football match
20:00 → 21:30


Brice (added by Karimstm)
Sylvain (added by Karimstm)
Curtis (added by Karimstm)
Mola (added by Ilyass78)
Mehdi (added by Ilyass78)
Bilel Removed
Ilyass Removed
Flav United Won't be there
Joueur 2 Removed

Karimstm has blocked a spot for Brice

Karimstm has blocked a spot for Sylvain

Karimstm has blocked a spot for Curtis

Karimstm has blocked a spot for Bilel

Ilyass78 joined the match

Karimstm has blocked a spot for Ilyass

Karimstm has removed the player Ilyass


07/12 19:57

Ilyass tu peut ajouter tes amis au match ?

Ilyass78 has blocked a spot for Mola

Ilyass78 has blocked a spot for Mehdi


07/12 21:11

C'est fait 👍

Karimstm has removed the player Bilel

Flav United joined the match


08/12 15:22

Salut flav si t’a des amis qui veulent jouer n’hésite pas

Flav United left the match

Karimstm has blocked a spot for Joueur 2

Karimstm has removed the player Joueur 2

Flav United

08/12 16:02

Salut Karim,
J’ai fait une fausse manip.
Bon match.

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

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This match is over

This match was played on the Wednesday 8 December at 20:00