Football on Friday 2, September at 20:00

→ Organized by Stewart McColm

Open football match
20:00 → 21:30


Aiden (added by Derek Morrison)
Paul (added by Derek Morrison)
Ian (added by Derek Morrison)
Budgie (added by Stewart McColm)
Keiran (added by Derek Morrison)
Mark Mac Won't be there
Nicci Removed
Ali Rowan Won't be there
Ross Jack Won't be there
Dougie Won't be there
Mark Shannon Won't be there
Budge Has been invited
Marco sandford Has been invited

Craig mcdowall joined the match

Craig Rice joined the match

Clark joined the match

Derek Morrison joined the match

Derek Morrison has blocked a spot for Aiden

Derek Morrison has blocked a spot for Paul

Derek Morrison has blocked a spot for Nicci

Johnmccolm joined the match

Derek Baisbrown joined the match

Dougie, Budge, Ali Rowan, Tristan Allison, Marco sandford , Ross Jack, Mark Shannon invited players have received a reminder

Tristan Allison joined the match

Derek Morrison has blocked a spot for Ian

Stewart McColm has blocked a spot for Budgie

Derek Morrison has removed the player Nicci

Derek Morrison has blocked a spot for Keiran

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

This match is over

This match was played on the Friday 2 September at 20:00