Football on Sunday 21, May at 09:30

→ Organized by Simious

Open football match
09:30 → 11:30
Orhan54 Won't be there
Simious Won't be there
Petar Won't be there
MIKA 90 Has been invited
Henrithy Has been invited
RBY Has been invited
Erwan Demange Has been invited
Audran Has been invited
Alban Has been invited
Hamza Has been invited
Jayronimo Has been invited
Demaret JR Has been invited
Amin Has been invited
Guillaume87 Has been invited
Nonofer Has been invited

Pierre joined the match

Pierre has blocked a spot for Eric

Sylvain joined the match

Anas joined the match

Orhan54 joined the match

Thierry@ joined the match

lucas48 joined the match

Patochon joined the match

Amaury Genvo joined the match

Xavier joined the match

Rimka maroc joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Orhan54 left the match

Barbite joined the waiting list

Kostur joined the waiting list

Barbite automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Kostur automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open


21/5 12:25

Salut, j’ai récupéré une paire de baskets adidas grises du 46. Je la rapporte semaine prochaine !


21/5 14:55

C'est moi qui les ai oublié... Je ne sais pas ce que j'ai foutu 🙄

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This match is over

This match was played on the Sunday 21 May at 09:30