Football on Sunday 17, April at 09:30

→ Organized by Simious

Open football match
09:30 → 11:30

Patochon joined the match

Sylvain joined the match

Zoum joined the match

Pierre joined the match

Sylvain left the match

Thierry@ joined the match

Corceron joined the match

MIKA 90 joined the match


16/4 08:29

Si on est que 8, on peut tenter au soccer a l'orée du bois?


16/4 09:48

Salut je pars à 13h de chez moi faut me dire si vous avez besoin du sac ou pas


16/4 15:14

J'ai les affaires mais je suppose que l'on annule?


16/4 15:17

C’est fort probable

Zoum left the match

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