Match amical 7vs7 on Sunday 17, August at 11:20

→ Organized by --DiabOLo--

Open football match
11:20 → 13:20


Nemo (added by --DiabOLo--)
yof (added by --DiabOLo--)
Jonas (added by --DiabOLo--)
Mouss (added by --DiabOLo--)
Amid (added by --DiabOLo--)
johnson (added by --DiabOLo--)
KevinKidr_91 (added by --DiabOLo--)
Dick Byrne (added by --DiabOLo--)

16/8 20:36

Prévoir un maillot clair et un foncé si possible, on n'aura pas de chasuble cette fois-ci,
@ demain plaine NORD

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This match is over

This match was played on the Sunday 17 August at 11:20