Football on Saturday 15, June at 22:30

→ Organized by Djamal.A

Open football match
22:30 → 00:00
Djamal.A Won't be there
samy.b Won't be there
Ahafid Won't be there
Hakim Azzoug Won't be there
Youba sayad Won't be there
Massî Maybe
Djadi Has been invited
L.Lamine Has been invited
hafidus Has been invited
Djoudi Manadi Has been invited
Nadir Belattaf Has been invited
Soltanebenyoub Has been invited
LYES AOUCHICHE Has been invited
Lyes Moussaoui Has been invited
Hamou oubraham Has been invited
Boudissa Salim Has been invited

Djamal.A left the match

samy.b joined the match

Djamal.A has blocked a spot for Lyes moussaoui

Zoubir.b joined the match

Moh / sofiane joined the match

Youba sayad joined the match

Sofiane boulkaria joined the match

Rachidboghni joined the match

Sofiane boulkaria has blocked a spot for Hafi boghni

Saket joined the match

Lamraoui Ibrahim joined the match

Djadi, L.Lamine, YidhiR, hafidus, Djoudi Manadi, Hakim Azzoug, Ahafid, Nadir Belattaf, Djou, Soltanebenyoub, LYES AOUCHICHE , Lyes Moussaoui , Hamou oubraham , Boudissa Salim invited players have received a reminder

Hakim Azzoug joined the match

Djou joined the match

Robot Assistant

14/6 22:30

The game is in only 24 hours and you are still missing some players. Come on everyone! Who can find some players for tomorrow?

Zidane vrai joined the match

Ahafid joined the match

Hakim Azzoug left the match

YidhiR joined the match

samy.b left the match

Ahafid left the match

Kick-off : match is starting

Robot Assistant

15/6 22:30

Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!

Youba sayad left the match

Robot Assistant

16/6 00:00

The match is over! How was it? Don't forget to Vote for the Man of the Match!

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

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This match is over

This match was played on the Saturday 15 June at 22:30