Football on Sunday 1, September at 00:00

→ Organized by Moaad EL Ouardi

Open football match
00:00 → 01:00


Mehdi (added by Moaad EL Ouardi)
Farouk (added by Moaad EL Ouardi)
Abdelkrim (added by Moaad EL Ouardi)
Mohammed (added by Moaad EL Ouardi)
Reda (added by Moaad EL Ouardi)
Momo123 Has been invited
Ghali Has been invited
Dolore rimuyaza Has been invited
Boukamza Has been invited
Bounouar Has been invited
Besma Has been invited
Berrdof Has been invited
Hadoos Has been invited
Simca Has been invited
Ahmed ISS Has been invited
hamzaelmezouari Has been invited
Kabus Has been invited
Elazzaouy abderrahim Has been invited
Baaomar Has been invited
Julien.B Has been invited
Reda B. Has been invited
othmane sefiani Has been invited
El Amarti Mamoun Has been invited
Kanouni Has been invited

Moaad EL Ouardi has blocked a spot for Mehdi

Moaad EL Ouardi has blocked a spot for Farouk

Moaad EL Ouardi has blocked a spot for Abdelkrim

Moaad EL Ouardi has blocked a spot for Mohammed

Moaad EL Ouardi has blocked a spot for Reda

Moaad EL Ouardi cancelled the match

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This match is canceled

This match is canceled

You can't join this match because it was canceled.