→ Organized by Coupish78
Coupish78 has blocked a spot for Jul
Coupish78 has blocked a spot for Gui
Coupish78 has blocked a spot for Hichem
Coupish78 has blocked a spot for Antoine
Coupish78 has blocked a spot for Gautze
Coupish78 has blocked a spot for Didi
Coupish78 has removed the player Gautze
Coupish78 has blocked a spot for Matthieu
Coupish78 has blocked a spot for Quentin
Teddy joined the match
31/1 11:34
Est-ce bien au five Carrières-sous-Poissy ?
31/1 11:35
Bonjour à Tous
31/1 15:14
31/1 15:33
Coupish78 has blocked a spot for Quentin 2
The match is full
01/2 19:59
Ce match est-il bien prévu pour le dimanche 09 et non demain dimanche 02 février ?
01/2 20:02
Ah nan c’est demain je me suis trompé si j’ai mit le 9
01/2 20:06
Ah ok essaie de modifier si possible.
Je serai là demain à l'heure
Coupish78 has removed the player Quentin 2
02/2 15:39
Coupish78 has blocked a spot for À
02/2 17:56
C’est Thomas la Resa
Kick-off : match is starting
02/2 18:00
Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!
02/2 19:30
The match is over! How was it? Don't forget to Vote for the Man of the Match!
The match is over
Votes for the match of the match are open
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This match was played on the Sunday 2 February at 18:00
31/1 11:34
31/1 11:35
31/1 15:14
31/1 15:33
01/2 19:59
01/2 20:02
01/2 20:06
01/2 20:06
02/2 15:39
02/2 17:56
02/2 18:00
02/2 19:30
To ask a question or post a comment, you must : Sign up , It is free.