Football on Monday 4, September at 19:30

→ Organized by Abdel Messalti

Open football match
19:30 → 21:00


assad (added by Abdel Messalti)
Yanis Lujan (added by Abdel Messalti)
ibrahim (added by Abdel Messalti)
Ylan (added by Jonathan743)
Fabien (added by Jonathan743)
alain (added by Abdel Messalti)
Nshuit Won't be there
Videira32 Won't be there

04/9 12:57

Arroussi ne t'inscrit pas au match ... Abdel a oublier d'incrire un de ces potes.

Abdel Messalti

04/9 13:00

C'est bon, merci Videira pour ta compréhension. Désolé encore, à une prochaine je l'espère.

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This match is over

This match was played on the Monday 4 September at 19:30