Football on Monday 2, September at 20:00

→ Organized by Ali

Open football match
20:00 → 21:30

Waiting List

Salah13 Won't be there
samir Won't be there
Curtis230 Won't be there
Abdel Messalti Has been invited
Camara Has been invited
StartNess Has been invited
Videira32 Has been invited
Nshuit Has been invited
Alex Has been invited
T@r١ck Has been invited
Axel Has been invited
Alinho Has been invited
Reda Has been invited
hamza88 Has been invited
✌Majzlatane ⚽️ Has been invited
Nordine. Has been invited
Samba Has been invited
Nicolas Guillin Has been invited
Jamel Has been invited
Oussama-78 Has been invited
Jr Estéban Has been invited
Yassine Has been invited
Isma kurdish Has been invited
Ismail89 Has been invited
Ibra' Has been invited
Víctor Has been invited
Majdi abdellatif Has been invited
Redart Record Has been invited
Prakson Has been invited
Omar19 Has been invited
Da Luz Has been invited
Koda. Has been invited
Titoss Has been invited
Mickael L. Has been invited
Ino Has been invited
OR'L Has been invited
Jonathan743 Has been invited
AdR78 Has been invited
NiRoN Has been invited
Nawar Has been invited
Freddinho Has been invited
Nabil bel Has been invited
Dado Has been invited
Le murrr Has been invited
Zak95 Has been invited
Clemzer Has been invited

Mounirho joined the match

Quentino joined the match

Manrique joined the match

Frontis-Lewis joined the match

Ali has blocked a spot for red1

Alex joined the match


02/9 11:32

Salut les gars quelqu’un passe par Meulan

samir joined the match

Abderrahman joined the match

ElyesBS joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


02/9 13:31

salut samir moi non malheureusement


02/9 13:32

mais si tu n es pas sur de venir préviens que je te retire du match pour trouver un 10eme joueur


02/9 13:41

D’accord je te tiens au courant


02/9 13:43

rapidement stp


02/9 14:28

Pas de niveau j’avais pas vu les joueurs .

samir left the match


02/9 16:44

aller encore 1 joueur les gars


02/9 16:57

Je suis désolé Ali. Je n’ai trouvé personne pour ce soir.


02/9 16:58

tkt pas je vais trouver


02/9 17:01

c est bon si on trouve personne y a un pote qui va depanner veuillez confirmer votre présence


02/9 17:03

Hello, ok pour moi


02/9 17:06

Hello ok pour moi aussi


02/9 17:08

Ali, j'ai un ami qui peut venir. Si c'est ok pour ton pote dis moi pour lui dire qu'on est complet


02/9 17:09

ben vas y rajoute le frerot comme ca on est 10

Mahrez23 joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


02/9 17:11



02/9 17:12

Il s'est inscrit. On est bon maintenant


02/9 17:12

ca marche a tout à l'heure


02/9 17:16

Ok pour moi.


02/9 17:21



02/9 17:28

Ok pour moi

Shafik joined the waiting list

Kick-off : match is starting

Robot Assistant

02/9 20:00

Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!


02/9 20:05

les gars vous etes où

Robot Assistant

02/9 21:30

The match is over! How was it? Don't forget to Vote for the Man of the Match!

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Monday 2 September at 20:00