Football on Friday 1, December at 19:30

→ Organized by Wad

Open football match
19:30 → 21:00


T@r١ck Won't be there
Frontis-Lewis Won't be there
Max Cady Removed
Marvin Removed
Pote Marvin Removed
Adam Removed
Rone Won't be there
Brigan Maybe
raphael Has been invited
Mourad Has been invited
Mac Felix Has been invited
InGhazy Has been invited
Mounirho Has been invited
Kev971 Has been invited
Haythemjb Has been invited
Ham Has been invited
Youssef Amaziane Has been invited
Ahmed Has been invited
Souhayeb Has been invited

Wad has blocked a spot for Has


28/11 01:02

Pas dispo cette semaine. Bon match

Wad has blocked a spot for Abdo

Wad has blocked a spot for Redy

Max Cady joined the match

Max Cady has blocked a spot for Adam

Ait amalik joined the match

El aidouni joined the match

El aidouni joined the match

Wad has blocked a spot for Marvin

Wad has blocked a spot for Pote Marvin

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Normane joined the waiting list

raphael, Mourad, Mac Felix invited players have received a reminder

Normane automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Wad has removed the player Marvin

Wad has removed the player Pote Marvin

Wad has blocked a spot for Tarek

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


30/11 11:52

Pourriez vous confirmer votre présence svp.


30/11 11:54

Has,Abdo,Redy et Tarek, Ait amalik et El aidouni Ont confirmé ! Merci


30/11 12:04

Je confirme

Zak95 joined the waiting list


30/11 15:21

Hello je serai present en cas de desistement


01/12 09:05

Max Cady pourrais tu confirmer stp ta présence et celle de ton ami?

Hassan joined the waiting list

Rone joined the waiting list


01/12 16:08

Max Cady vous confirmez? Sinon svp retirer vous et laissez les places aux gas de liste d’attente.


01/12 16:12

On risque de ce retrouver à 8 les gas.

Zak95 automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Hassan automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Max Cady has removed the player Adam

Max Cady has been removed from the players


01/12 16:23

Zak tu confirme ta présence stp?

Max Cady

01/12 16:30

J'étais pas dispo pour répondre cela ne veux pas dire que je ne serai pas là !!


01/12 16:34

Sans confirmation on pourra pas savoir, je vous ai envoyé plusieurs messages


01/12 16:35

L’appli est le seul canal de communication. Désolé


01/12 16:42



01/12 16:42

je serai la dsl pour la reponse tardive


01/12 16:42

je viens de voir que je suis dans laliste


01/12 16:44

Encore désolé Max Cady et Adam. Terrain réservé au nom de Wadia à plus.


01/12 16:44

Merci Zak pour la confirmation.


01/12 16:45

On est 10 ?


01/12 16:45

avc plasir


01/12 16:46

On est complet tout le monde à confirmer.

Rone left the waiting list

Kick-off : match is starting

Robot Assistant

01/12 19:30

Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!

Robot Assistant

01/12 21:00

The match is over! What did you feel? Write it here in the chat.

The match is over


01/12 21:28

salamo 3alikom les freres j'ai perdu mes airpod noir


01/12 21:29

ila bano l chi 7ad y3lemni lahy yjazikom bikhir


01/12 21:36

Salam Zak . Oui je viens de voir sur les chaises, c’est bon ils sont la


01/12 21:36

0764265190 appelle moi

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This match is over

This match was played on the Friday 1 December at 19:30