Football on Tuesday 21, November at 20:30

→ Organized by Mounirho

Open football match
20:30 → 22:00
Mourad Won't be there
nab_sg Has been invited
Zak95 Has been invited
InGhazy Has been invited
ZIED Has been invited
Dhia Has been invited
Haythemjb Has been invited
Frontis-Lewis Has been invited
Achraf T Has been invited
aymen k Has been invited
Ayminho Has been invited
Wad Has been invited
T@r١ck Has been invited
Mac Felix Has been invited
IbrahimaG Has been invited
Thabet Has been invited

Ahmed joined the match

Malek85 joined the match

Aymen* joined the match

Youssef Amaziane joined the match


17/11 16:08

J'ai une esuipe si tu veux


18/11 12:26

Oui on est d'accord. Par contre, physiquement on est pas au top, on joue pour le plaisir. Si ça te va alors bienvenue. Une autre proposition c'est de fusionner si c'est pas équilibré.

Mahrez23 joined the match


19/11 19:27

Étant donné qu'on n'est que 6, j'ai annulé le match. Merci

Mounirho cancelled the match

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