open foot 3 on Sunday 30, April at 10:00

→ Organized by Team LE FIVE CARRIERES

Open football match
10:00 → 11:30


Gpatton Won't be there
Cedric78 Won't be there
El Mahdi Won't be there
Haoshin Has been invited
mourad Has been invited
Fayçal Has been invited

26/4 20:50

Bon match les gars !
J étais Dejas inscrit pour dimanche sur open 2


26/4 21:08

merci , de meme pour toi :)


28/4 17:56

Bonjour j ai libere ma place sur le open foot 1 si ca interesse qq un

Neymar Jr, 2ème chouchou de l'Emir après Nabil

28/4 23:08

Les gars il reste 2 places sur l open 1. Amenez-vous ☺


29/4 00:50

Ils nous manques deux places sur l open 1 on vous attends les gars !

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This match is over

This match was played on the Sunday 30 April at 10:00