Football on Sunday 23, April at 10:00

→ Organized by Jamel

Open football match
10:00 → 11:30

Waiting List

Salah13 Won't be there
Issa Removed
Ahdi Removed
Blaise356 Removed
Mimoun Maybe
Jr Estéban Has been invited
Davidguarin93 Has been invited
El Hizaz Has been invited
Bassem Has been invited
Mourade 78 mantes Has been invited
Salif Has been invited
Sly7 Has been invited
Manolo78 Has been invited
Rayan Has been invited
Julien Has been invited
Wutang7 Has been invited
Riquelme Has been invited
Nabdel Has been invited
Marwenn Has been invited
Sacha Yancey Has been invited
Prestù Has been invited
T@r١ck Has been invited
Pyassine Has been invited
Brigan Has been invited
Zak95 Has been invited

Mimoun joined the match

Nordine. joined the match

Bassem joined the match

Mohamed Delastagass joined the match

Mohamed Delastagass has blocked a spot for Issa

KHATIR joined the match

Mimoun left the match

Ahdi joined the match

Pado left the match

Blaise356 joined the match

Pado joined the match

samir joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Wane. Y. joined the waiting list

Kev971 joined the waiting list


21/4 17:48

Salam les gars aidkom mubarak

Pensez à confirmer pour dimanche svp, surtout ceux qui ont pas l’habitude de jouer avec nous

Merci 🙏

Jr Estéban , Davidguarin93, El Hizaz, , Mourade 78 mantes, Salif , Sly7, Manolo78, Rayan, , Wutang7, Riquelme, Ali Nafil , Marwenn, Sacha Yancey, Santa, Prestù, T@r١ck, Pyassine, Brigan, Zak95 invited players have received a reminder

Mohamed Delastagass

22/4 12:07

Selem aidekom mubarak les frere

Wane. Y. automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Mohamed Delastagass has removed the player Issa

Mohamed Delastagass

22/4 12:07

Je confirme ma présence et désolé issa c'est blessé hier mais vu qu'il une liste d'attente maintenant il faut que wane confirm


22/4 13:50



22/4 14:20

Salam, Eid Moubarak.
C'est ok pour moi


22/4 15:07



22/4 15:58

Ahdi, Blaise vous pouvez confirmer svp

Kev971 automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Blaise356 has been removed from the players


22/4 20:15

Abdelinho Kev c’est bon pour vous ?

Ahdi has been removed from the players


22/4 20:42

Qui a enlevé Blaise les gars ?


22/4 20:42

C’est le pote de Samir et moi


22/4 20:43

J’ai demandé une confirmation à 16h les gars. Et y’a pas de numéro pour le contacter donc je l’ai enlevé.on a trop de mauvaises expériences sur les humains qui répondent pas quand on demande confirmation


22/4 20:45

Je travaille les gars c'est normal que j'ai pas répondu


22/4 20:45

Faut le remettre les gars il répond pas car il boss hein


22/4 20:46

Faut enlever Ahdi du coup


22/4 20:49

Ou adhelinho

Jamel has blocked a spot for Blaise

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


22/4 20:52

Soyez plus vif les frères svp pour confirmer
J’avais déjà demandé à tout le monde de confirmer hier


22/4 20:53

Je me suis inscrit j'ai pas regarder après vu que c'était complet


22/4 21:54


Mohamed Delastagass

22/4 23:01


Wane. Y.

23/4 05:25

Je viens de voir que je suis dans le match vais essayer d'être a l'heure 😄

Doudou88 joined the waiting list


23/4 08:10

Soyez à l’heure Svp

Wane. Y.

23/4 09:34


Kick-off : match is starting


23/4 10:06

On est là dans 3m

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

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This match is over

This match was played on the Sunday 23 April at 10:00