Football on Thursday 23, March at 20:30

→ Organized by Mimoun

Open football match
20:30 → 22:00


NiRoN Won't be there
Samba Won't be there
Julien-78 Won't be there
Benji2408 Won't be there
StartNess Won't be there
Alex Has been invited
Kev971 Has been invited
Mac Felix Has been invited
Mounir E. Has been invited
Jr Estéban Has been invited
Frontis-Lewis Has been invited
Dado Has been invited
Quentino Has been invited

22/3 19:48

Je sors d'un rhume pas la forme.. pour demain t'es optimiste, c'est le jeudi de nouveau ?

StartNess joined the match

StartNess left the match

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Thursday 23 March at 20:30