Match 5vs5 - 2 places disponibles on Wednesday 15, February at 21:30

→ Organized by raphael

Open football match
21:30 → 23:00


1 (added by raphael)
2 (added by raphael)
3 (added by raphael)
4 (added by raphael)
5 (added by raphael)
Wutang7 Won't be there
6 Removed
Prestù Won't be there

raphael has blocked a spot for 1

raphael has blocked a spot for 2

raphael has blocked a spot for 3

raphael has blocked a spot for 4

Wutang7 joined the match

Nshuit joined the match

Zak95 joined the match

Wutang7 left the match

Prestù joined the match


15/2 08:46

Merci pour ceux qui se sont inscrits. Il nous manque plus que 2 joueur. Hésitez pas à demander à vos pote si ils sont chaud de jouer.

Kev971 joined the match

The match is full

raphael has blocked a spot for 6

The match is full

raphael has removed the player 6

raphael has blocked a spot for 5

The match is full


15/2 09:27

On est complet! A ce soir 21h30
La resa est au mon de Raphaël
A ce soir

Prestù left the match


15/2 09:49

Bonjour , dsl un impératif de dernière min ...
Bon match
A une prochaine

Gesf joined the match

The match is full


15/2 15:27

Yo les gars dispo s'il y a un désistement


15/2 16:44 y a souvent le five de poissy. si un jour je m'inscris. c'est loin de la gare. pas de voiture.merci.

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Wednesday 15 February at 21:30